Tips For Getting a Good Night’s Sleep During Your Surrogate Pregnancy

Tips For Getting a Good Night’s Sleep During Your Surrogate Pregnancy

During your surrogate pregnancy, you may encounter all kinds of sleep disturbances – nausea, heartburn, leg cramps, snoring. Bad sleeping habits from before your pregnancy may accentuate them.

Common sleep problems during pregnancy can start in the first semester, a period when you’ll experience frequent bathroom trips during the night, to urinate or vomit.

Sleep deprivation is not helpful for you or your baby; during your surrogate pregnancy, it’s important to get as much rest as possible so that the baby can develop healthily. Here are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep:

1. Avoid caffeine. When you get pregnant, it is important to watch your caffeine intake – stay away from caffeinated substances like coffee, tea, soda and even chocolate during the afternoon and evening to help you sleep better at night.

2. Don’t smoke or drink. Studies show that the effects of nicotine and alcohol are harmful to you and your baby. They can also make it hard to get a good night’s sleep. Nicotine is a stimulant, and it’s been determined that smokers get less deep and restful sleep and would normally feel less rested than non-smokers. Even though alcohol can make you sleepy, it tends to disrupt deep and restful sleep at night.

3. Exercise regularly. It is best to follow a light program of exercise during the day or early evening. Remember to first consult your doctor for the specific best exercise program. Exercising at the proper times can help you burn energy and get a better night’s sleep.

4. Take a warm bath before going to bed. The soothing and relaxing effects of a warm bath can help you get a good night’s sleep. Aromatherapy while taking your bath can also help you feel more relaxed.

5. Drink less during the late afternoon and early evening, and more earlier in the day. This helps reduce your need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

6. Avoid heavy meals and spicy foods before bedtime. Spicy foods such as chili, and acidic foods such as tomatoes, can cause heartburn and indigestion, which can keep you up at night. So can eating a big meal too close to bedtime. If heartburn is a problem, eat lighter meals and eat them earlier. Give yourself two to three hours to digest your food before you head to bed.

7. Use enough pillows when you sleep. Remember, there’s no such thing as too many pillows. Use them to prop you up, rest body parts on, place between your knees, whatever you need them for to help sleep better at night.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can sleep better at night during your pregnancy. A lot of surrogates complain of fatigue in the day; this is partially because they don’t sleep well. When you take naps during the day, it is best to take them during the morning or early afternoon, so that you will still feel sleepy when it’s time to go to bed.


Best Sleep Position During Your Surrogate Pregnancy

Best Sleep Position During Your Surrogate Pregnancy

During your surrogate pregnancy, it’s normal to find yourself wrestling in bed, uncomfortably trying to get to sleep. Unfortunately, regular sleep positions may no longer be comfortable – they won’t necessarily work for you during pregnancy.

Several factors are behind this new discomfort in pregnancy. Your body goes through several changes – an increase in the size of your abdomen, muscle pains, back pains, heartburn and shortness of breath. But there are some recommended positions that may help you sleep more comfortable.

It’s best, during your surrogate pregnancy, to sleep on your side. In particular, sleeping on your left side may benefit the baby, by improving blood flow and circulation. As the baby grows, the abdomen has to harbor an ever-increasing uterus; this rests flat on the inferior vena cava, the main vein located on the right side of your spine – it drains the entire lower half of the body.

Sleeping on your left side will avoid compressing this vein, thus increasing your blood flow and circulation, and resulting in more nutrients to your placenta and baby.

The same sleeping position also helps your kidneys to efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body, which in turn may reduce swelling in your ankles, feet and hands. So it’s a good idea to start training yourself early in pregnancy to sleep on your left whenever possible.

Of course, staying in one position all night is not likely to be comfortable, so changing between sides – while favoring your left – may be the best sleep strategy.

It can also be a good idea to keep your legs and knees bent, and a pillow between your legs, while you sleep on your left side.

As for sleeping on your back – that’s a position you need to avoid during your surrogate pregnancy, especially in its later months. This is because when you’re sleeping on your back, the weight of your uterus presses down on your spine, back muscles, intestines, and a number of major blood vessels.

This results in muscle aches and pains, hemorrhoids, digestive problems and impaired circulation – things that are uncomfortable for you, and can reduce circulation to your baby.

Back-sleeping can also lower your blood pressure, causing some expectant mothers to experience dizziness. (Although on the other hand, it can actually raise the blood pressure of other pregnant surrogates.)

It can also cause snoring and, as the baby grows and gains weight, could lead to sleep apnea or problems in breathing while asleep.

Remember, lying on your left is better than lying on your back, but lying on your left side is by far the best of all, because this position will put the least amount of weight on critical veins and organs.


10 Things for Surrogates to Avoid Eating While Pregnant

10 Things for Surrogates to Avoid Eating While Pregnant

For the health and development of their baby, it is absolutely critical that pregnant surrogates remain healthy, and an important part of that is to maintain a healthy diet.

But it’s not enough simply to know the best foods to eat during your pregnancy as a surrogate mother – some foods need to be avoided, too.

1. Completely avoid alcohol, which has been linked to premature delivery, mental retardation, birth defects and low birth-weight babies. Once you have been positively checked for pregnancy, avoid alcohol intake at all times.

2. Limit caffeine to no more than 300 mg per day. This amounts to about two eight-ounce cups of coffee (150 mg each), while a 12-ounce glass of caffeinated soda contains anywhere from 30 to 60 mg of caffeine. Don’t forget that chocolate contains caffeine – the amount in a typical chocolate bar is equal to about a ¼-cup of coffee.

3. The use of saccharin is strongly discouraged during pregnancy because it can cross the placenta and may remain in fetal tissues. But other non-nutritive, or artificial, sweeteners approved by the FDA are acceptable during pregnancy. These include aspartame (Equal or NutraSweet), acesulfame-K (Sunett), and sucralose (Splenda). These sweeteners are considered safe in moderation, so talk with your doctor about how much sweetener is acceptable during your pregnancy.

4. Fat intake should be limited – your daily intake should be decreased to no more than 30% of your total daily calories. For a woman eating 2,000 calories a day, this would be at most 65 grams of fat.

5. Cholesterol intake should be limited during pregnancy, to 300 mg or less per day. Research shows that excessive cholesterol levels in pregnant women can lead to premature births.

6. Mercury should be avoided while pregnant – avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish (aka white snapper), because they contain high levels of mercury. The small doses of mercury found on these fish can be toxic for your fetus, and may cause serious health problems.

7. Don’t eat unpasteurized cheeses. Soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined, and Mexican-style are often unpasteurized and may cause Listeria infection. There’s no need to avoid hard cheese, processed cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, or yogurt.

8. Avoid raw fish, especially shellfish like oysters, mussels, scallops and clams. Raw fish, including sushi and sashimi, and undercooked fin fish are more likely to contain parasites or bacteria than cooked fish. Parasites and bacteria are also very dangerous for the health of the baby.

9. Don’t eat raw or undercooked eggs and avoid foods that contain them, such as homemade mayonnaise. Make sure that any eggs you eat are thoroughly cooked, until the whites and yolks are solid. This prevents the risk of salmonella.

10. Don’t drink raw or unpasteurized milk, including unpasteurized goat’s or sheep’s milk. Avoid eating foods made from them, such as soft goat’s cheese. If only raw or green-top milk are available, you need to boil it first before drinking.


5 Unique Health Benefits of Being Pregnant

5 Unique Health Benefits of Being Pregnant

Believe it or not, a baby isn’t the only good thing you get out of childbearing – even if you’re a surrogate mother who doesn’t keep the baby, there are other significant health benefits to the experience. They include:

1. Many women have reported that they feel healthier than ever when they are expecting a baby because of the additional hormones surging through their bodies. These extra hormones not only encourage fetal development, but also have an effect on your well-being – they can actually improve your health during and after pregnancy. Many women say they feel meaningfully better as a result of these increased hormones.

2. Research shows that childbirth and breastfeeding offer their own healthy benefits. Women who have given birth, and breastfed, are less prone to cervical and breast cancer. Ovarian and cervical cancer risks are also reduced in women who have given birth.

3. A very substantial number of pregnant women have noticed a boost to their immune system, relative to before their pregnancy. Many women have reported fewer asthma attacks during pregnancy, and some women with multiple sclerosis experience a decline in symptoms during the last three months of pregnancy. There is no clear medical explanation for the decline in these symptoms, but research is currently under way to examine this relationship between pregnancy and the immune system.

4. Pregnancy can provide a glowing “moisturizer” for dry skin, or a stimulant that causes thin hair to take on glossy volume. A lot of women have noticed a certain “glow” on their skin, and stronger formation of hair and nails. Some pregnant women even report an improvement in their skin-related disease symptoms – for example, a temporary break from symptoms of psoriasis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

5. Many women have reported an increase in their psychological well-being during their pregnancy. Working mothers especially reported that despite their fatigue, their pregnancy was one the calmest and healthiest times of their lives. The excitement of looking forward to a new baby increased their overall mood.

These benefits are a large part of why most surrogate mothers consider pregnancy a very positive experience in itself. The boost to their immune systems, the reduced symptoms to certain diseases and the ‘pregnancy glow’ are unique and very, very enjoyable benefits to pregnancy.


6 Healthy Eating Tips For Surrogates To Eliminate Pregnancy Side-Effects

6 Healthy Eating Tips For Surrogates To Eliminate Pregnancy Side-Effects

Digestion-related side-effects are very common during the first trimester of your surrogate pregnancy. During this period, it’s especially important for surrogate mothers to eat healthy. You may experience a loss of appetite, find it hard to keep food down, or possibly feel too sick and tired to eat at all – but you need to anyway.

To help cope with some of this discomfort, some useful tips are:

1. When you have morning sickness, it is advisable to eat crackers, cereal, or pretzels before getting out of bed. Remember to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day and avoid fatty, fried, and greasy foods. You can also try a wet/dry diet – this means taking your food and your drink separately, usually about 30 minutes apart. Cold foods are also advisable, since the strong smell of foods cooking can sometimes trigger unpleasant feelings.

2. If you feel constipated, more fresh fruit and vegetables are a good idea. It’s also highly advisable to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to help with the constipation.

Fiber is also important; when pregnant, you need about 28 grams a day of it. Good sources include whole grains, fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes.

3. When you have diarrhea, it is best to eat more foods that contain pectin and gums, two types of fiber. This will help absorb excess water. Some good foods in this regard are applesauce, bananas, white rice, oatmeal, and refined wheat bread.

4. When you get heartburn, it’s better to eat more small meals throughout the day, as opposed to a few large ones. Some doctors recommend drinking pasteurized milk before eating and limiting caffeinated foods and beverages, citric beverages and spicy foods. You also need to avoid mint, peppermint, spearmint and chocolate because these foods can trigger heartburn. Taking a short walk after each meal can also help to ward off heartburn.

5. When you feel tired and fatigued, you may want to prepare meals when you have more energy; store them for later use when your energy levels are low. It’s important to get plenty of sleep, and naps during the day if necessary, to help cope with the fatigue. Prenatal vitamins, and mineral supplements containing iron, can also help. Remember to ask your doctor first before taking any medications or vitamins.

6. When you have no appetite, eating smaller, more frequent meals can help you avoid feeling too full or bloated. It is also a good idea to drink your calories; milk or yogurt smoothies can be a good idea, with bananas or frozen berries added in for extra protein. Calorie-dense foods can also help – you don’t need to eat a lot to get your nutrients. Snack on unsalted nuts and seeds, cheese, dried fruits, avocado, nut butters and omega-3 rich fish like salmon.
